I have made arrangements with Volmer Plowing to plow our alley between Hi Mount and 51st Street this winter. We used their services last winter and everyone seemed satisfied with their work. The company also plows the alley between 51st Street and 52nd Street and they have been satisfied with their services for years.
As you probably know, the city does not plow the alleys. However it is important to keep them clear so that garbage can be picked up regularly.
I would like to thank everyone who donated last year. I collected enough money to cover the costs of plowing and to give the owner and driver, Frankie, a customary tip at the end of the season. I am again asking for donations to cover the cost of the plowing this winter. A donation of $20 per single family household or $10 per duplex until will cover the costs for a single winter.
Due to several questions last year, I would like to add some information. I go door to door for donations and am unable to contact land lords that do no live on our block to contribute. It would be great if all of us are able to contribute this year.
Frankie Volmer will plow the alley when the snow reaches 3 inches. If you have any questions concerning the plowing please feel free to contact Frankie at 616-6364. I called her last year when it got a little icy and she came by the next day.
I will be going house to house on Sunday afternoon before the Packer Game.
If I miss you please drop you donation in the mail slot in my door with your information.
Thank you for your help!
Peter July
2164 N 51st Street
I can't believe it's already time to think about snow plowing. Thanks for putting this together again!! And thanks for using the blog, I was beginning to think it was dead.