Thursday, October 14, 2010

October Meeting Minutes

    Small turnout for this month's meeting, just 5 of us. Leave a comment to leave your 2 cents.
  1. Pete will follow up on getting the Forestry Dept. to trim trees around street lights.

  2. Snow removal for the alley on the east side of the street. Does anyone remember who was going to look into finding a new snow removal provider. (Kim was this you to tell us who the west side of the block uses.) Leave a comment if you have any information.
  3. Next Meeting sometime in December, Thur 2, Sat. 4, Thurs, 9. Vote on the blog or leave a comment.
  4. Liz will remind you to come take a look at the blog.
  5. Anyone interested in Christmas caroling this season. Leave a comment.
  6. Make sure to register for the WHNA Spooktacular. More info in the Highlighter, or look for a post soon to come.
  7. Flyer for next month's meeting, topics to announce in addition to time and place. Ideas? Anyone interested in making/distributing?
  8. Anyone interested in attending the WHNA block watch meeting. We could send a representative to attend the meeting and take notes to report back to our group. Meetings are held the second monday of each month. For more information call 588-5619.


  1. Thanks Pete for following up on the snow removal for this winter. Would you like the money right away or can it wait until the next block watch meeting? Thanks again!

  2. I need to sign a contract with the plowing company and pay for the whole season ahead of time. I was planning on contacting them early next week.
