Sunday, May 1, 2011

Block Watch Meeting, Ice Cream Social, & Raffle Thursday June 16

The meeting will be held in Kim White's beautiful back yard (2151).

We are going to do the meeting in two stages:

1) Meet at Kim's at 6pm and then go door to door to invite folks over for some Ice Cream and Socializing.

2) Go back to Kim's and eat Ice Cream, socialize, and win some fabulous prizes.

For further details about the Ice Cream please contact Katie Holliday:

For more details about the Raffle please contact Paul Zettel:


There will be more to come in future post from them.


  1. The ice cream social is next Thursday so we should start planning who is bringing what. I am willing to bring a gallon of ice cream, chocolate sauce and bowls. Would anyone else like to bring something? I know we'll need more ice cream and maybe some different toppings and spoons. If you are willing to bring something you can post on the blog so everyone can see who is bringing what.

  2. Everyone should bring a chair as I do not have seating form more than 8. I have a ton of plastic spoons but bowls would be appreciated. I am making Guinness ice cream, not topping necessary!

    Also, please go thru the side gate/walk to the back. Do not ring the bell, it drives the cats nuts.
