Sunday, November 21, 2010

Block Watch Meeting December 4th

The polls have closed, the next Block Watch meeting will be held at 7:00PM on Saturday December 4, 2010 at the Holliday's 2102. Not only will this serve as our monthly meeting but also as a way to celebrate the holiday season together. Katie and Eric will provide beverages, please bring a dessert or hors d'oeuvre to share. On the Agenda:
  1. WHNA block watch meeting: anyone interested in attending/sending a representative from our block.
  2. Recent increase in car break-ins and theft.
  3. Pay Pete and thank him for contracting snow removal for the alley on the east side of the street.
  4. Volunteer to create and distribute flyer for January's meeting.
  5. Holiday lights.
  6. Schedule our next block watch meeting and location.
  7. If there is something you'd like to discuss leave a comment.


  1. Thanks. Looking forward to it. See you all there.

  2. Liz and I had a "Holiday Cheer" pow wow planning meeting last week. We are looking forward to it and would like to put it on the agenda for the December 4th meeting! Thanks guys.
